Tapping the Source
Easy to use, enjoyable to read, and proven effective, this is a revolutionary new method for taking advantage of the “law of attraction” drawn from the legendary Master Key System.
Thanks to such books as Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and the recent best-selling The Secret, millions of people now realize that success comes from more than just chance, fate, good connections, or even hard work. At the same time, these volumes don't offer a practical daily process for attaining your goals-and that's exactly what Tapping the Source provides. It teaches a daily method that stimulates the process for manifesting your dreams outlined in The Secret. These techniques can be applied to any aspect of life, from sex to career to creativity. Just “tap into the source”-daily Manifestation Sessions, each totaling no more than three to five minutes-and live the life you want!
The genesis of the ideas in Tapping the Source-which are a natural extension of the concepts expounded upon in The Secret-is Charles Haanel's classic 1912 work, The Master Key System. Although Napoleon Hill is popularly considered the father of the “law of attraction,” a letter from Hill to Charles Haanel, reproduced in Tapping the Source, thanks Haanel for his illuminating ideas. The letter is dated 1919, 18 years before Think and Grow Rich was published.